Loans Projects
Shenzhen International Holdings Limited
Stock Code: 152
Date: 2008 / 7
Nature of Transaction: Syndicated loan of HK$1.34 billion
L&Y's role: Legal adviser to the borrower
Galaxy Semi-Conductor Holdings Limited
Stock Code: 527
Date: 2007 / 3
Nature of Transaction: Syndicated loan of HK$120 million
L&Y's role: Legal adviser to the borrower
Shenzhen Expressway Company Limited
Stock Code: 548
Date: 2005 / 8
Nature of Transaction: Bilateral term loan facility of HK$680 million
L&Y's role: Legal adviser to the borrower
Shenzhen International Holdings Limited
Stock Code: 152
Date: 2005 / 7
Nature of Transaction: Syndicated loan of HK$350 million
L&Y's role: Legal adviser to the borrower